Get to know our process and product.

The Red Seal Homes process is unique and personal.  We work with you from start to finish. Whether you’re stepping into home ownership for the first time or this isn’t your first place — our experienced team helps you find the right location, floorplan and finishes.

Our product is more than quality townhomes. We believe we are building relationships. Strengthening the bonds between our hard-working people, our homeowners, and our dynamic communities. Together, we make Nashville better and stronger.

A word from our clients

“Sanctuary…at the end of every long day, our feeling about coming home to our Red Seal built townhome. Hidden away on a special parcel of land ironically in the middle of corporate America that most people don’t even know exists.”
“We stumbled, quite by accident, on the sales center, and now we found a place we call home and couldn’t be happier. Coming from a large home… we were initially concerned about townhome living but the transition has been easy — and no maintenance… The open floor plan, high ceilings and light pouring in, and luxury finishes… the most discerning buyer would be impressed.”
“The finishes are everything you expect with attention to the little details you may not notice but are there, like the moldings and trim and the precise way in which they have been installed, flush edges that are perfectly mitered. This is high quality construction and we couldn’t be happier.”